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Sex Money Drugs & Strippers

Children and young adults listening to the music nowadays produced by the black community must believe all there is to life is pretty much summed up by...

Oh and lets not forget strippers, can't forget the strippers. :(

Really people, is this what we want to ingrain in the next generation?

I get it, sex sells...and I am a firm believer that there is a time and place for every type of music. But every song on the radio we produce is holding ourselves mentally captive in foolishness. This is not anyone else’s fault other than our own. Why haven't we started producing Inspirational music by the multitudes?

Why aren’t we singing and rapping about having communities that belong to us,

or about the power of positive thinking? And inspiring others to do great things?

We get one positive song every year and it fizzles out before it can gain traction. I might actually be a tad generous with how often. Can everyone not agree that if anyone needs direction and inspiration it’s our children...Hell ourselves?

The Inspirational Music initiative begins here; we encourage artists and producers alike to use your influence to change the world. Become the norm and save the trap music for the clubs, let’s use this powerful tool we have to shape the consciousness of a people.


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